Since 2015 I've been operating my own niche economics consultancy, Corinna Economic Advisory, out of Hobart, Tasmania (the state where I grew up).
In addition to these employment roles I've also at different times been a member of previous Australian Governments' Trade Policy Advisory and Foreign Affairs Councils, Tourism Forecasting Council, Australian Statistics Advisory Council and National Housing Supply Council. I'm currently a member of the Australian Parliamentary Budget Office's Expert Advisory Panel, and the Australian Taxation Office's 'Tax Gap' Expert Advisory Panel. I've also previously been a non-executive director of the North-Eastern Health Care Network in Melbourne (1994-98), the Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria (1993-96) and Hydro Tasmania, an electricity generation business owned by the Tasmanian State Government (2008-2018).
I've been a long-term advocate for reform in the areas of taxation and housing policy; greater transparency in financial reporting by governments; free trade and investment across international borders; 'horizontal equity' in fiscal arrangements between Australia's federal government and its state and territory governments; and, especially in Tasmania, improvements in the education system.
Consultation (1)

Tailored Economic Outlook Presentation
Business & Finance