I worked with the UK-based MIHR - Centre for Management of IP in Health R&D and organized workshop on technology management for technology managers in health. I also organized International symposia on TRIPS and Public health in collaboration with MIHR. I also participated Oxford Conference on Global Access held at Oxford University September. I presented the couple of papers in Global Forum for Health Research held at Beijing, China on R&D initiatives and new patent regime in India. I participated as Government delegation in WHO Inter-Governmental Working Group on Intellectual Property & Public Health held at Geneva under the leadership of Health Secretary, GOI.
I participated in Annual Meeting organized by Association of Technology managers AUTM as only Indian representative in Health technology management held on 18th March-20th March, 2010 at New Orleans, USA. I participated as Government delegation in 63rd World Health Assembly of WHO led by Honorable Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Shri Gulam Nabi Azad to held at Geneva on 17 May-22 May, 2010.
I got Technology Transfer Training from July11th 2012 –July25th, 2012 at Wisconsin University at Madison, USA under Khorana Programmes jointly organized by DBT, GOI and UW Madison, USA. I got advanced training on IPRs and licensing of biomedical inventions at University of Wisconsin, USA in 2017.
I participated in Global Entrepreneurship Summit Technology Led Women Entrepreneurs Delegation to the United States organized by FICCI, at Washington D.C., Pittsburgh/Boston & Silicon Valley USA in 2018. I participated in 2nd IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference at Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in 2020.