Mr. Sikder has over 20 years of empirical research, 10 years of teaching, and 8 years of professional experience as a Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning Expert with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Bonn, the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)/Department for International Development (DFID)-UK, the British Council, the European Union Delegation (EUD), Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), International Labor Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), US Committee for Refugees, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), NORC at the University of Chicago and Solidarity Center-Sri Lanka.
Sikder’s research expertise includes internal and international labour migration; modern slavery and labour migration recruitment (OLR) process; returnee migrants' reintegration; remittances, development, dependency and inequality; migration and TVET Skills for employment; forced migration and the situation of the Rohingya (Myanmar) refugees; irregular cross-border migration, human smuggling and trafficking; ready-made garments (RMG), trade Unions and women empowerment; and climate change-induced migration, urban resettlement and livelihood.
Sikder is a guest editor for the Journal of Frontiers in Human Dynamics and an external reviewer for the Journal of Migration and Development, Asian Pacific Migration Journal, Journal of Borderland Studies, Journal of Immigration and Refugee Studies, book reviewer for Palgrave MacMillan, India, and Advisory Editor for Migration Mirror, RMMRU's quarterly newsletter. Sikder has also presented papers at national and international workshops, conferences, and seminars in countries such as Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, Spain, Qatar, South Africa, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Switzerland, the Philippines, and the United States. He is a television personality who regularly appears on talk shows to address migration and refugee issues.
Sikder served as President of the Monash University Islamic Society (MUIS) (2011-2012); HUMCASS Representative (2009-2010), and Gippsland Association for Postgraduate Students (GAPS), Monash University, Australia; Co-ordinator, Young Researcher Forum (YRF), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; Member, South Asian Migration Resource Network (SAMReN); Member, Leeds University Alumni, UK; Member, Dhaka University Alumni, Bangladesh; and Member, Rotary Club of Baridhara., Bangladesh.
Powered by Google ScholarTITLE | CITED BY | YEAR |
Remittances and social resilience of migrant households in rural Bangladesh
MJU Sikder, V Higgins
Migration and Development 6 (2), 253-275
66 | 2017 |
Remittances and life chances: A study of migrant households in rural Bangladesh
MJU Sikder
Migration and Development 2 (2), 261-285
44 | 2013 |
MJU Sikder
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 17 (3-4), 257-275
32 | 2008 |
Livelihoods and informal trade at the Bangladesh border
MJU Sikder, BK Sarkar
Inter-Asia cultural studies 6 (3), 432-445
29 | 2005 |
Remittance income and social resilience among migrant households in rural Bangladesh
MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis
Palgrave Macmillan
14 | 2017 |
Work condition of Bangladeshi factory workers in the Middle-Eastern countries
T Siddiqui, MJU Sikder, K Haque, M Hossainul
RMMRU,(online) Available at:< http://www. samren. net/Research_Papers/doc …
13 | 2004 |
Rural to urban migration for domestic work in Bangladesh
S Tasneem, M Sikder
Social Protection and Livelihoods: Marginalised Migrant Workers of India and …
12 | 2009 |
Protection of migrants during COVID-19 Pandemic: Situation analysis of RMMRU and tasks ahead
T Siddiqui, SR Rashid, SN Azad, MJ Sikder
Press Conference, Dhaka
5 | 2020 |
Adaptation strategies of poor urban migrants in the context of climate change: a case study of informal settlements in Natore, Sirjaganj and Rajshahi
T Siddiqui, M Bhuiyan, M Sikder, M Islam
Working paper series
5 | 2014 |
Climate change and mitigation in Bangladesh
T Siddiqui, MJU Sikder, MRA Bhuiyan
Cooling down: Local responses to global climate change, 113
4 | 2022 |
Situation Analyses of Migratory Patterns of Cox’s Bazaar District
CR Abrar, MJU Sikder
Dhaka: IOM
3 | 2007 |
Conclusion: Remittances and household social resilience
MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis, MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis
Remittance Income and Social Resilience among Migrant Households in Rural …
2 | 2017 |
Remittances and social resilience: a study of migrant households in Bangladesh
MJU Sikder
Monash University
2 | 2012 |
Population Movements and the Threat of HIV/AIDS Virus at the Bangladesh-India Border
MJU Sikder
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
2 | 2008 |
The unequal landscape of remittances: The case of rural Bangladesh
SR Rashid, MJU Sikder, E Hossain
South Asia Migration Report 2020, 85-110
1 | 2020 |
International Labour Migration from Bangladesh: Risk, Protection and Policy
MJU Sikder
1 | 2020 |
Remittances and livelihood strategies: improving household life chances
MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis, MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis
Remittance Income and Social Resilience among Migrant Households in Rural …
1 | 2017 |
Uneven geography of remittances and household resilience
MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis, MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis
Remittance Income and Social Resilience among Migrant Households in Rural …
1 | 2017 |
Remittances and Livelihood Diversification: Building Resilient Household Economies
MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis, MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis
Remittance Income and Social Resilience among Migrant Households in Rural …
1 | 2017 |
Remittances: From Development Impacts to Social Resilience
MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis, MJU Sikder, V Higgins, PH Ballis
Remittance Income and Social Resilience among Migrant Households in Rural …
1 | 2017 |